Thursday, July 31, 2008


My Family

My family is nice. most of us live in TN. My aunt has a little dog named Peppy. He is nice and he doesn't like Bonnie, my dog. I think Peppy is a Mincer Pincher mixed with a Chihuahua. hope you like my stories.(all of my aunts family owns peppy)

About my dogs.

When we got Zeke and Dan, they were really Shy. We got them from the guy who did our septic.
Zeke and Dan are supposed to be Full-blooded German shephards. They look alot like Labs. If their ears stick up, then then will look like Shephards. They are really nice. My other dog, Bonnie, is mean. She bit Dan. And if someone comes in our home she doesnt know, she will bark and bark and bark. But she is a good listener. She knows sit,stay,come,lay,roll over, paw and other paw. Zeke and Dan only know sit. But dan is the best listener through out the pack.

My puppy Zeke..... kissy kissy

My puppy Dan....ahhhh


Today is a New Day

My Pet blog is up and running, and I'm happy!